
"Whoa" Sci-Fic!

Science fiction movies comes in all sorts of varieties; such as extraterrestrial life forms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception, and time travel. While the technology in these stories tends to be more advanced than our own, it's not necessarily outside the realm of what we believe will one day be possible.

Great science fiction movie makes me sit back in my chair and go, “whoa.”
I love that feeling. It doesn’t have to be from something new, and many new things alone won’t do it, but an idea, or image, or something amazing that’s unique in my experience. Whoa. Love it.

The poster on the left is a prime example of a great science fiction movie, District 9.

District 9 is an excellent piece of science fiction with a great idea/hidden message of a very accurate view into the life on earth.

Without giving anything away, the whole experience is a comment on how we as a species behave. Whoa!

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